


Delight д.о.о. е посветена на проширување на својот бизнис преку овозможување обука и напредување на своите вработени. Со оглед на постојаниот раст и проширување, потребна е добра организација, како и вистинските вработени на вистинските позиции.

Креативно опкружување


Ќе бидете опкружени со различни професионалци: архитекти, професионални консултанти

Возбудлива индустрија


Ќе имате пристап до најновите трендови за внатрешен дизајн

Постојан развој


Delight го поддржува и поттикнува развојот на вештини и манифестација на талент.

Најнови производи


Ќе работите со најновите производи од Steelcase, Interface и други врвни производители..

Стимулирачка канцеларија


Worklife – нашата канцеларија е и нашиот изложбен салон.

Предизвикувачки проекти


Вклучете се во големи корпоративни проекти и соработувајте со врвни професионалци.

Open positions


Office Interior Consultant (m/f)

Delight Office Solution is a regional company specialized in the development of
complete project solutions for business premises, furnishing and interior design, as
well as the sales of office furniture from the world's top manufacturers. For more than
20 years we are the regional leader in creating architectural and design solutions.
Each and every day we are helping our clients to achieve full business potential
while enjoying their life at work.
We believe the Office space can change every day life and that is why we are
helping them meet their goals by creating office space that make an impact.​
If you have experience in B2B sales, if you are excited to cooperate with the biggest
domestic and foreign companies in North Macedonia and you enjoy working with
great perspective team we are happy to meet you!



  • Identifying potential customers through research and networking activities
  • Scheduling appointments with prospective clients to discuss products and
    services offered by the company
  • Creating client proposals based on client’s needs and company services
  • Maintaining cooperation with existing clients, architects and interior designers
  • Meeting personal and team sales goals
  • Organizing and monitoring realization of concluded deals
  • Sharing information, knowledge and results with your team
  • Implementation of working procedures



  • Experience in B2B sales at least 1+
  • Team player with great communication skills
  • Goal oriented professional with good negotiation skills
  • We would like you to openly share your ideas with you team and help us to keep up with continuous progress
  • We highly appreciate positive work attitutude
  • To be succesfull in this role you have to be interested in business interiror design and to be eager to understand sensibility of our clients
  • Engish language – B2



  • You will work in a friendly environment which allows you to grow and develop
  • Competitive salary and participation in bonus reward system
  • In-house training and development programs
  • Career development opportunities
  • Cooperation with world’s leaders in Business Interior Design
  • Cooperation with the biggest companies in the North Macedonia